
Sunday 2 July 2017

Playing Hide and seek in the dark

Playing hide and seek in the dark

So Finally The thing that I was dreaming to be doing at night. So since I did not want to do it by myself I asked my family and my cousins if they wanted to play and then they ‘ YES’ so then we were doing rock paper scissors to see who is going to be finding and who is going to be seeking and then it had to be ME.

After we sorted out who was going to be finding us one of my cousins asked ‘Where are we playing it’ and then I said inside because I said I don't want to go outside so then said that they did not want to go outside as well so then we start the Game. I also said that we could hide every and the lights had to be off so that it can be spooky and also scary at the same time, also so that it can be even harder to find us.

When at night because like at night time when we go to bed sometimes it is always dark and we also tell stories about stuff and birthday parties and we also talk about who is going and how is not. So finally my favourite thing that happened that day on March the 30th.

 Playing hide and seek in the dark YEAH GAME IS ON. So firstly what had happen was they had to go and hide but they had to be ready at lease under 30 seconds so then like it told you GAME IS ON YEAH. After that i started to find them and the first play it went to was in my bedroom and i looked under the bed and then I found my cousin and her name was Fongi and my sister Akesa they always hide there whenever i and seeking they are always there hide together because they are both scared so then i said ‘ That they both can hide together for the rest of this game and then they said ok. So i need to find 7 more because 9 people where playing and my sister and cousin where hiding together and i found both off them. Next where i found a person was in the kitchen in the cobed and I looked in all off the cobs and I found 6 people in one off each so now I only need to find 1 more because 7-6 equals 1.

 So where I found the last person was in my bedroom and hiding behind the curtains and when i found that last person she was eating lollies. THE END

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